Impressions from code.talks 2023

The code.talks conference opened its doors in Hamburg, Germany at the Cinemaxx movie theater on 14th and 15th of September. The two day events covers a broad range of computer science topics with a focus on getting to know each other. While some talks are held in German, most are held in English and suited for an international audience. During the opening keynote, the organized mentioned a ratio of 1 speaker to roughly 10 visitors....

September 16, 2023 路 3 min 路 455 words

Impressions from KotlinConf 2023

Attending KotlinKonf 2023 (remote) has been great to get an idea of what is happening in the community and the development of the language. The 2 day conference hosted by Jetbrains, the creators of Kotlin, was live streamed on Youtube - perfectly for anyone remote to join and all of that free of charge. The conference covered a range of topics, including coroutines, Kotlin Multiplatform and compose. Some Spring Framework and compiler (plugin) talks rounded off with some real-world learnings....

April 15, 2023 路 3 min 路 430 words