Moving towards Apache Spark

In the course Scalable Computing at the RUG university, we build again a scalable application - although this time the focus was more on the scalable of the system than setting up the infrastructure around it. In this article more information about the infrastructure and especially docker swarm is presented. The project can be found on Github. The project is about receiving news articles from an API and then recommending them to the users based on their preferences....

April 6, 2017 · 2 min · 339 words

Recap on the Dutch Blockchain Hackathon 2017

The past weekend, the team of the Gemeente Zuidhorn - in which I was part of - competed on the first ever hosted Dutch Blockchain Hackathon, here in Groningen. In total 50 teams took part splitted into five different tracks from how to handle identity in the blockchain towards how government can support and benefit from the new emerging technology. Within the Reinventing Government track, we came up with an idea to distribute government funding easier, more transparent and better to manage/monitor from the fund providers perspective....

April 6, 2017 · 2 min · 282 words

Using docker swarm to build an application

During my university course of Web and Cloud Computing (WACC) at the RUG university, we were given the task to build a distributed and scalable web application that should be run in a cluster. Since docker is quite a nice environment to run single applications in, we decided to actually run the whole application with all services in a docker swarm environment. As the new docker swarm mode was just around the corner, we started using it and really liked in – also because it synchronized over multiple nodes....

November 12, 2016 · 3 min · 611 words